

  1. Download the zip-file
  2. Extract the zip file (Windows: Right-Click > Extract All… > Extract / Mac: Double-click the zip-file)
  3. Open the Spreadsheet in the unzipped folder

Note: Except for the Fibonacci Standalone example, all examples require a Python installation with xlwings >=v0.11.0 and the xlwings Excel add-in installed.


Example 1: Fibonacci Sequence

This is the simplest possible example demonstrating the calculation of the Fibonacci sequence.

Example 2: Monte Carlo Simulation

This example shows the computational power of Python by performing a Monte Carlo simulation of the price development of a financial asset. Prices are assumed to follow a log-normal distribution.

  • Lite (Win & Mac): simulation.zip (52 KB) - Dependencies: Python, xlwings, NumPy

Example 3: Database - Windows only

This example shows how easy it is to work with databases. It uses Chinook, a popular SQLite sample database.

  • Lite (Windows only!): database.zip (392 KB) - Dependencies: Python, xlwings

Example 4: Matplotlib

  • Lite (Win & Mac): mpl.zip (173 KB) - Dependencies: Python, xlwings, matplotlib

Example 5: User Defined Functions (UDFs) - Windows only

  • Lite (Win): udf.zip (53 KB) - Dependencies: Python, xlwings, matplotlib

Lite Versions

These versions are small in size but require an installation of Python with xlwings and the xlwings Excel add-in installed. We recommend to install the Anaconda distribution as it already contains all the packages used in the examples, including xlwings, pywin32, numpy, scipy and pandas.

Standalone Versions

These versions run out-of-the-box after unzipping without any dependencies but are bigger in size.